Brinda Karat demands fresh probe into Mecca Masjid blast


New Delhi : Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Brinda Karat Thursday demanded fresh probe into Mecca Masjid blast in the light of new evidence of links with the Ajmer Sharif blasts.

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Raising the issue during the zero hour in the Rajya Sabha, she demanded compensation for 75 Muslim youth “arrested and tortured” after the blast in Hyderabad’s Mecca Masjid in 2007.

Nine people were killed in the blast during Friday prayers in the 17th century mosque May 18, 2007. Five people were killed in the subsequent police firing on protestors outside the mosque.

The blast at Ajmer dargah later that year killed three people.

Rajasthan police last week arrested Devender Gupta and Chandrasekhar, both members of a right wing group Abhinav Bharat, in connection with Ajmer blast.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has hinted at similarities between the two blasts.

Karat urged the government to order probe into “the acts of terror in the name of Hindutva”.

“It seems that there is a network of groups operating in different parts of the country who are committed to the acts of terror in the name of Hindutva. The government should institute an enquiry into this,” she said.

“These highly condemnable anti-national acts of terror and bomb blasts in places of worship like the sufi shrine in Ajmer or the masjid in Hyderabad were committed by groups acting in the name of Hindutva.”

Earlier in the Malegaon bomb blasts in 2006 and again 2008 in Malegaon and Modasa groups again acting in the name of Hindutva have been implicated.

Recently it was reported that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has expelled one of its workers for his involvement following the investigations, she added.

Karat wondered how immediately after the bomb blasts top government ministers and officials immediately linked the blasts to members of the Muslim community alleging links with the Harkat-ul Jihad-al Islami and the Lashkar-e-Toiba.