Gandhinagar: The Gujarat High Court Monday ordered the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to open a park to the public within three months after a citizen approached it contending that the civic body was not doing because it could not get a minister to inaugurate it.
“File a contempt plea if the order is not complied with,” a bench of Chief Justice S.J. Mukhopadhaya and Justice Akil Kureshi told the petitioner, Jayrambhai Desai.
Desai filed a public interest petition, seeking the court’s intervention as the municipal corporation (AMC) did not open a public park in Naroda area of Ahmedabad even after giving an undertaking in a court in July 2009.
The reason given to the petitioner was that “no one” (minister) is available for inauguration of the park.
“Such an act of the municipal corporation may result in contempt of court as the corporation cannot give an false undertaking in court and false promise to the people,” the court said.
In his petition, Desai contended that the park “will be a huge relief to the public in the burning summers” but noted that the civic body has not made the park available to the public even after giving an undertaking on July 28, 2009, that it will open the park to public Aug 15, 2009.