Sao Paulo: A funeral home in a Brazilian city has begin to broadcast funerals live for the family members of the deceased who are living abroad, a media report said.
The Gonzaga funeral home, which is located in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, now offers live transmission via the Internet of the Mass said for the deceased, the funeral procession and even the burial so that the 40,000 former residents of Governador Valadares who now live abroad can say their last goodbyes to their loved ones.
“We know that there exist funeral parlor chapels with cameras, but we’re pioneers since we’re offering a mobile service” covering events occurring outside the funeral home itself, funeral home director Eres Gonzaga told the daily O Globo.
Governador Valadares, which has 230,000 residents, is one of the cities in Brazil that has sent the greatest percentage of its residents to the US.