New Delhi : A cabinet panel Friday approved the two-laning of the 178-km-long Tindivanam-Krishnagiri section of National Highway (NH)-66 in Tamil Nadu, at a cost of Rs.610.21 crore.
“The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) today (Friday) approved the implementation of the project of two laning with/without paved shoulders of 178.060 km long Tindivanam-Krishnagiri section of NH-66,” a official statement said.
The project, under National Highway Development Project (NHDP) phase-III, will be on the design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) basis with the concession period for 15 years including a construction period of two years.
According to the statement, the main objective of the project is improving infrastructure in Tamil Nadu and to increase the capacity of the sections of the NH-66.