New Delhi : Heavy Industries Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh Wednesday asked top officials of public sector Undertakings (PSUs) to sort out labour issues afflicting the units in consultation with trade unions to improve the performance and profit.
“Bring out result with consultation with trade unions. I will give you full support. You make profit,” Deshmukh told the bosses of loss making units such as the Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT) and Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd.
The minister held a meeting with top officials, including the chairmen-cum-managing directors (CMDs) of 13 PSUs and leaders of the Indian National Trade Union (INTUC), the trade union arm of the Congress party, at his ministry here.
“Government will give complete protection to the public sector industries. More money will be allocated for the overall expansion of the heavy industries,” INTUC National Secretary R. Chandrasekharan, told IANS.
Deshmukh also asked the officials to take decisions fast on regularisation of contract workers, Chandrasekharan said.
INTUC National President G. Sanjeev Reddy and 11 other leaders attended the meeting. Asked why other trade unions were not invited, Chandrasekharan said INTUC is the major trade union in all the heavy industries, including the Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) and Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited (HPCL).
Deshmukh also said the government would formulate a general policy of manpower placement soon.
“I need competent and capable people from the workmen’s cadre and from the officers level who can put maximum labour to improve the performance and the profit,” he said.