New Delhi: While the opening ceremony was packed with cultural performances, the closing ceremony was more about lights, sounds and fireworks.
Here is a factfile:
Fireworks: Fireworks were released from the roof of the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium as well as the field. There were more than 2,700 shots spread over 88 locations on the roof.
Lighting: 1,200 moving lights, 120 space cannons and 16 follow spots weighing approximately 75 tonnes.
Sound: There was a special sound system dedicated to the athletes seated on the field of play with over 500,000 of Watts of sound.
Communication: The ceremony employed one of the best communication systems in the world — 450 talkies, 200 tetras, 150 clear communications.
Power: Divided into four generator farms, 10 Mega Watts of power was supplied through 26 feeder panels for the closing ceremony. For this, over 50 km of power cable was used.