By Zohra Javed,
I think in this case the court must surprise the nation with a neutral judgement. Neither side should be allowed the possession of the site. The ownership should be given to the government of India with specific directions that within a stipulated time frame of say a year or two there would be a structure of public utility, specially benefitting the poor and underprivileged be built there.
I don’t think this will be a difficult job if the court orders thus. Both the warring parties must then give in to this order in the interest of the nation and in keeping with teachings of the faiths or God/Prophet that they so ardently follow.
No religion in its pure and true form has ever endorsed violence and killing. The courts have a duty to not just decide a case this way or that, they have a responsibility to guide the people too,setting examples in justice and ensuring peaceful working of a system.
The Court must be courageous enough to set exemplary trends in such cases, as this is no ordinary case of a title to property. Our judges can for a change be innovative and intelligent and think out-of-the-box, sending out a message that any religious place over which there comes a debate or conflict would be taken over by the State.
Do we always have to follow a precedent or are we indeed that super-power-in -the-making who can fearlessly set examples for the world to emulate…
Post-Babri Verdict: A TCN Peace Initiative