Thousands in Mumbai join Hazare’s fight against graft


Mumbai : More than 5,000 people in Mumbai Tuesday supported social activist Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption as he began his “fast unto death” in New Delhi, demanding tougher legislative measures to curb the menace.

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Several activists of India Against Corruption, which is taking forward the movement in Mumbai, began a fast at Azad Maidan here.

People took out a rally and joined in cars, on motorbikes and on foot as it moved from Shivaji Park in south-central Mumbai to Azad Maidan in south Mumbai where many observed a day-long hunger-strike.

“Around 1,000 people pledged their support by fasting for 12 hours. As many as 45 activists are still on a fast at Azad Maidan, but will be moved to other locations during the night,” said Praful Vora, coordinator of the event.

“Our activists distributed pamphlets near the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus to make citizens aware of the issue of corruption and the need of the bill, and urged them to be a part of the crusade against corruption,” Vora added.

Hazare, who had announced an indefinite hunger strike more than a month ago, has been demanding representation from civil society in drafting the anti-graft Lokpal Bill.

He and other activists have particularly pressed for acceptance by the government of the alternative Jan Lokpal Bill they have drafted, providing for stringent punishment for corruption.