BJP asks government to dump present Lokpal bill


New Delhi : Describing the Lokpal bill introduced in parliament as “lacking teeth,” the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday asked the government to dump it and to introduce a fresh “effective” anti-graft legislation in its place.

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BJP deputy leader in the Rajya Sabha S.S. Ahluwalia, however, clarified that his party was not seeking introduction of the Jan Lokpal bill, as demanded by social activist Anna Hazare and his supporters, as it was not entirely agreeable to some of its provisions.

“The Lokpal bill, in its present form, is ineffective and lacks teeth. The government should withdraw it forthwith and introduce an effective bill instead,” Ahluwalia told reporters here at the Parliament House after both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had adjourned for the day over the issue of corruption.

“With regard to the Jan Lokpal bill, we agree with certain provisions cent percent, on certain others, improvements are required and with some others, it cannot be accepted at all,” he said.

Ahluwalia said the BJP supported the provision of the Jan Lokpal bill, where it seeks to include the prime minister under its purview.

Asking the government to be sensitive to the overwhelming emotion against corruption as witnessed by the support to Hazare’s fast, the BJP also wanted it to make efforts to hold parleys with Team Anna to end the impasse.

“Considering the health of Anna and being sensitive to the anti-graft sentiments of the people, the government should initiate the dialogue process with Team Anna forthwith and try to end the deadlock,” he said.

To a query on BJP’s stand over Hazare’s demand for parliament to pass the Lokpal bill by Aug 30, Ahluwalia said it was not possible in view of the parliamentary procedures.

“With the Lokpal bill with the parliamentary standing committee, the due process of consultations and discussions will be held and it will not be possible to pass the legislation in parliament before Aug 30. It will take more time,” he said.

To another question on parliamentary party chairman L.K. Advani asking Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to resign in the wake of anti-corruption protests nationwide, Ahluwalia said the party leader was misquoted by the media.