Mumbai : Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan Friday called on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and discussed two critical issues confronting Maharashtra — remuneration for farmers and the allotment of land in Mumbai for a memorial to B.R. Ambedkar.
The Ambedkar memorial issue has snowballed into a controversy with Republican Sena activists laying siege inside the Indu Mill at Dadar here since Tuesday.
The activists, including Buddhist monks, led by Anandraj Ambedkar, grandson of B.R. Ambedkar, have refused to vacate the premises till the government allows the much-delayed memorial at the site.
“The state government had written to the centre Aug 8 on the issue as we are very keen to construct an Ambedkar memorial on the site,” Chavan said.
He urged Manmohan Singh to expedite the matter since the mill hand belongs to the central government.
Regarding the issue of suitable remuneration for cotton, soyabean and other cash crops for farmers, Chavan said he would discuss the issue with the state cabinet and take a decision.
But the state needed the guidance of the centre and so he apprised the prime minister in detail.