‘PM, Group C employees may be brought under Lokpal ambit’


New Delhi : Keen to silence criticism by the opposition and Team Anna over Lokpal, the government may accept the demand for including the prime minister within its ambit with some conditions, as also group C employees, Congress sources said.

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A Congress leader, who has been part of discussions on the bill, told IANS that the prime minister and group C central government employees could be included in the Lokpal ambit but the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is not likely to be in its purview.

“There is the possibility of including the prime minister in the Lokpal’s ambit with certain conditions, and also group C employees,” the source said.

Congress leaders also said the whistleblowers protection bill and the grievance redressal bill will be separately moved and would not be part of the Lokpal bill.

Congress leaders said the government will wait for the outcome of Wednesday’s all-party meeting called by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before giving final shape to the Lokpal bill.

They said issues such as including the prime minister and group C employees within the Lokpal ambit would be taken up at the meeting, which will be preceded by a United Progressive Alliance (UPA) meeting Tuesday.

The government decided on the all-party meeting after a parliamentary standing committee’s report on the Lokpal bill evoked criticism from Team Anna and the opposition.

Several opposition parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Communist Party of India-Marxist, Sunday shared stage with Hazare and demanded a strong Lokpal bill.