China’s defensive military policy won’t change


Beijing : China’s efforts to develop an aircraft carrier will not change the defensive nature of its defence policy, said a signed commentary in a state-run newspaper Friday.

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China has confirmed it plans a refitting project of an imported aircraft carrier for scientific research and training, Xinhua reported.

The commentary was published in PLA Daily, the voice of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

The commentary by Peng Guangqian, a major general and a military strategist, said China was now only making use of an old aircraft carrier platform for scientific research, experiments and training.

It would take a long time before the country actually has an operational carrier.

Moreover, it is a country’s military strategy that determines the nature of its armament, not the other way around, Peng stated.

Even when China gets a carrier, it will stick to the defensive nature of its military policy, the commentary said, adding China had plenty of reasons and legitimacy to have an aircraft carrier.

China faces “a complicated security situation” and having an aircraft carrier is vital to safeguard its territorial waters and maritime interests and to practice its international responsibilities, it said.

China is the only country now without an operational aircraft carrier among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Other countries, including Spain, Italy, India, Brazil and Thailand, also have carriers. Such a situation does not commensurate with China’s international status, the commentary noted.

These comments were echoed by an article in Friday’s People’s Daily overseas edition.

The article by Wang Xinjun, a research fellow at the PLA Military Science Academy, said China had the right to have an aircraft carrier.

The efforts to achieve this will not target any other country, nor will it pose any security threat to other countries.