Withdraw enemy property bill: Samajwadi Party leader

By Rehan Ansari, TwoCircles.net,

Mumbai: Along with civil society leaders from within the Muslim community, Muslim politicians are also raising voice against the Enemy Property (Amendment & Validation) Second Bill, 2010 that is going to shut court door on the claimants of the properties left behind by their relatives while migrating to Pakistan.

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Former Member of Parliament and Maharashtra president of Samajwadi Party, Mr Abu Asim Azmi has demanded withdrawal of the bill that is pending with the Department-Related Parliamentary Standing Committee (Rajya Sabha) On Home Affairs. The committee has sought suggestions on the bill by 15th March 2011.

Abu Asim Azmi

Talking to TwoCircles.net, Mr Azmi demanded the government to withdraw the bill as it will affect the Muslim community. He also said he will talk to his party MPs to gather support against the bill.

Meanwhile, some Muslim community leaders are also mobilizing support against the bill. They have demanded extension of the deadline for comments and suggestions on the bill. Talking to TCN Delhi correspondent, Md Ali, National Integration Council Member, Navaid Hamid said: “The Bill has got many controversial proposals of amendment which need more debate and discussion by the civil society.”

Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood, president, Zakat Foundation of India has also demanded more time for debate on the subject. “How do you expect people to suggest things to you without a meaningful debate?” he told TCN.

On the other hand, Rajya Sabha Member Mohd Adeeb talked about political lobbying against the Bill. “Let the committee close accepting suggestions from the civil society, I am confident because of the talk that I had with Mrs. Gandhi, and Left parties over this issue that this bill is not going to be passed,” he said.