Kolkata : West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee Wednesday said industrialisation was the only path along which the state could develop and careful measures have to be taken while acquiring land for industries.
“We will acquire land only after reaching a consensus with all the interested parties,” Bhattacharjee told reporters at a press meeting here.
“We have made up a land use map. We will not acquire fertile land. If the government has to acquire land we will go forward after reaching a total consensus in that area,” the chief minister stressed.
Bhattacharjee’s pro-industrialisation plank, which brought him rich dividends during the 2006 assembly election, faced a severe drubbing after the Nandigram and Singur anti-land acquisition protests led by the Trinamool Congress.
“We went to Singur for development, but something went wrong. We have learnt from Singur. But I would like to add that even after Singur in 2010 also we attracted investments of Rs.15,000 crore. During 2008-2010 we were able to acquire 8,100 acres of land without any problem,” the chief minister said.