AMU students protest NATO attack, condemn Gaddafi

By TCN News

Aligarh: Newly elected AMU Students Union (AMUSU) has taken a strong stand against the invasion of the US led NATO forces along with their FRANCO-BRITISH allies in the Libyan Territory to establish a no-fly zone. On March 30th AMUSU organized a rally to voice its protest against the invasion of Libya. Some 500 students participated in the rally from the University Canteen to the Bab-e-Syed on campus.

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A statement issued by Aamir Qutub, Secretary of AMUSU criticized the US, UK, France and other NAIO member countries for their attack on Libya. He said that their activities “can only be viewed with suspicion that they are eying for the huge oil reserves in the country.” Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi was condemned for his “brutal treatment of his own civilians.”

AMUSU asked Ghaddafi to step down to pave way for “free and fair democratic elections in Libya” as the people “have the right to decide their future by themselves.”

AMUSU also hailed the uprising in other Arab Countries like Yemen & Bahrain and expected that the sacrifice of the protesters at the hand of the US backed Rulers won’t go in vain and soon democratic institutions would flourish in these Arab Countries.