Bhutan to help promote tourism in Bihar


Patna : Impressed by Bihar’s changing image and development in the last few years, Bhutan is keen to sign a joint pact with the state to promote tourism in its Buddhist circles, officials said Friday.

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An official of the Bihar delegation, which accompanied Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on a three-day visit to Bhutan, said officials of both sides discussed launching of joint avenues to promote tourism.

“Bhutan and Bihar are set to sign a joint pact to promote tourism in famous Buddhist circles in the state,” an official told IANS from Bhutan capital Thimphu.

Nitish Kumar left for Bhutan Wednesday. He has been invited by Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Prime Minister Jigme Thinley.

According to officials, Nitish Kumar and Bhutan’s Economic Affairs Minister Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk have decided that Bihar Tourism Development Corporation and the Royal Bhutan Tourism Council will join hands to find ways and means to promote facilities for tourists.

Officials said Bhutan and Bihar would explore avenues to make the stay of Bhutanese pilgrims comfortable and offer land to set up tourist lodges and a Buddhist shrine at Rajgir in Nalanda district.

Bihar’s Bodh Gaya town is a famous pilgrimage destination for Buddhists. It is said that Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment in the town.

Apparently Nitish Kumar has sought Bhutan’s help in sharing hydel power and has also held discussions with Bhutan’s energy experts about measures to make the state self-reliant in energy.

At present, Bihar is facing an acute power shortage that has led to widespread protests in many parts of the state.