Obama faces uphill climb, swing states poll indicate


Washington, Nov 5 (IANS) Ahead of 2012 election, US President Barack Obama and his most formidable Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney are almost tied up in a dozen swing states, a poll released Friday has found.

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According to the Gallup Poll, which is a division of Gallup organistion that regularly conducts public opinion polls in over 140 countries around the world, the voters in a dozen key battleground states for the 2012 election are strongly dissatisfied with country’s direction and the economy, Xinhua reported.

In these 12 states, comprising Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, Obama trails the former Massachusetts governor by 46 percent to 47 percent in a hypothetical matchup.

But when matched up with businessman Herman Cain and Texas Governor Rick Perry, the two Republican candidates most likely to be Romney’s alternative, Obama fares better.

Obama, who is a Democrat, leads Perry among swing state voters by five points, 49 percent to 44 percent, and leads Cain by three points, 48 percent to 45 percent. But these are all within the poll’s margin of error, which means no one enjoys a comfortable advantage in these key battle grounds.

A more ominous sign for the incumbent president is that 60 percent of voters in these states say their families are not better off than in 2008, compared to 37 percent who think the opposite, according to the survey.

Just 20 percent of voters in these states are satisfied with the direction of the country while 77 percent are not.