Extradite people involved in Rabbani’s killing : Afghanistan to Pakistan

By IANS/RIA Novosti,

Kabul : Afghanistan has asked Pakistan to extradite people involved in the assassination of Afghanistan’s former president Burhanuddin Rabbani.

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A statement issued from Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai’s office stated this demand Sunday.

Earlier in the day, the president office stated that it was a Pakistani who killed Rabbani Sep 20.

Rabbani, who was head of the High Peace Council tasked with trying to reach a negotiated settlement to the 10-year war, was killed by a suicide bomber who blew himself up in Rabbani’s home in Kabul.

The assassination was carried out during a meeting for peace talks with the Islamic Taliban movement.

Hundreds of Afghans took to the streets of Kabul Sunday to condemn recent shelling of border cities by Pakistan’s army and accusing its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of involvement in the assassination of Rabbani.

The protest came amid heightened tensions between the two neighbours.

Afghans accuse Pakistan and the ISI of backing insurgent groups in Islamabad’s own interests, which Pakistan denies.

Pakistan has repeatedly blamed Afghanistan for harbouring militants on its side of the border, particularly in Kunar province, which shares a border with tribal areas inside Pakistan.