Leave politics to politicians, Khurshid advises Anna


Nagpur : Union Law and Justice Minister Salman Khurshid Saturday took a pot shot at the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) stating that it has no right to question the constitutional validity of the National Advisory Council (NAC). He also advised activist Anna Hazare to leave politics to politicians and work on social issues.

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On Hazare’s campaign against the Congress in the ensuing state elections, he said: “Anna should leave politics to us. He should concentrate more on social issues.”

Speaking to reporters at a function organised by Nagpur Union of Working Journalists, Khurshid’s comments on the RSS came after the organisation’s chief Mohan Bhagwat criticised the NAC which is led by United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi.

“Those who do not unfurl the national tricolour (flag) at their headquarters and buildings on Independence Day and Republic Day have no moral right to talk about the constitutional validity of NAC,” Khurshid said.

During a Dussehra rally Thursday, Bhagwat criticised the NAC and opposed the Communal Violence Bill drafted by the panel.

Bhagwat called the bill a “deceitful action of destructive minds detrimental to democratic values”.

Khurshid, when later questioned about the Lokpal Bill, said that the bill would be brought in the ensuing winter session of parliament for debate and consideration.

“The government is keeping its word given to (activist) Anna Hazare when he broke the fast that the Lokpal Bill will be re-drafted. The standing committee (of parliament) is holding deliberations to make the bill a comprehensive piece of legislation,” he said.

Khurshid said that by December the government would bring a slew of legislations including a bill on transparency in public procurements, citizens’ charter, electoral reforms, protection to whistle-blowers and strengthening the Central Vigilance Commission.

Responding to a query about Hazare’s demand for right to recall an elected representative, Khurshid said it was as impractical as holding elections all over the country on one day.

“Conducting free and fair elections takes too much time and effort, the recall facility would only complicate the matters,” he said.