Bangalore: The Karnataka High Court Tuesday adjourned the anticipatory bail application of former chief minister H.D. Kumaraswamy and his lawmaker wife H.D. Anita to Wednesday in a graft case over renewal of a mining lease and allotment of residential site by a housing society.
Adjourning the hearing, Justice L. Narayanaswamy told the couple’s counsel Hazmath Pasha that he could not pass an order on the bail pleas without hearing the prosecution.
As the special Lokayukta court Monday directed the accused to appear before it without fail Wednesday in response to the Aug 8 summons of its judge N.K. Sudhindra Rao, Pasha told the high court that his clients feared arrest if their bail pleas were rejected.
The special court’s summons came on a private complaint by city-based advocate Vinod Kumar alleging irregularities and graft.
Declining a ruling, Narayanaswamy said he would hear the bail applications Wednesday morning as the couple have to appear before the lower court later in the day.
Kumaraswamy, who is the regional party’s state unit president, is a member of the Lok Sabha from Ramanagara, about 60 km from Bangalore.
Anita represents Madhugiri assembly constituency in Tumkur district, about 70 km from Bangalore.