Naked Prince Harry plays strip billiards


London: Prince Harry became completely naked after a game of strip billiards, hugged a naked woman, and showed his bare bottom to the camera while spending a raucous holiday in Las Vegas, media reports said Wednesday.

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In several explicit pictures released on US website TMZ, the prince is seen cavorting with a nude girl in the VIP suite of a hotel, the Daily Mail reported.

The naked prince, after a game of strip billiards with a girl, is seen hiding his modesty with his hands, and the mystery nude young woman is seen hiding behind him.

Another photo shows the 27-year-old Harry bear-hugging a naked woman with his bare bottom facing the camera.

The grainy shots were reportedly taken on a fellow reveller’s mobile phone in his suite at the five-star Wynn Hotel.

The report said the revellers were members of the public the prince met on his trip to Sin City and invited back to his room for the party.

TMZ said the “raucous party” happened after the prince made friends with “a bunch of hot chicks”.

The group then went back to his huge suite, with a pool table, and they decided to play a strip version of the game which quickly ended in full nudity for Harry and at least one mystery woman.

The room has its own butler, games room including a pool table, and private driveway.

The prince has also been filmed enjoying the poolside entertainment at the MGM Grand hotel and throwing a glance at stunning bikini-clad women.

At 3 a.m. one day, bare-chested but still in his jeans, the prince enthusiastically threw himself into a huge open-air pool.

He was joined by a fully-clothed swimmer, but the pool was full of bikini-clad girls.

Harry is trained as an elite Apache attack helicopter pilot and completed a period of pre-deployment training with hopes of returning to the frontline in Afghanistan in the future.

A spokesman stressed Harry was on a private holiday and was not entitled to any more leave than his fellow pilots. He attended the Olympics in his own time and was not given any special dispensation by the military.