BJP protests temple demolition in Pakistan


New Delhi : BJP leaders met Pakistan High Commissioner Salman Bashir here Tuesday and lodged their protest against the demolition of a temple in Karachi and the “deteriorating human rights” condition of Hindu minorities in the neighbouring country.

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BJP leaders, including party MPs J.P. Nadda and Balbir Punj, submitted a memorandum to the high commissioner, demanding suitable laws to protect religious minorities and their properties in Pakistan.

“The latest case of a 200-year-old Hindu temple demolished in Bhimpura locality in the southern port city of Karachi is dreadful and painful for the BJP. The Shri Ram Pir Mandir reportedly demolished and more than 40 Hindus rendered homeless is gross injustice and unacceptable to the BJP,” the party said in its memorandum.

Nadda said Bashir told them that the issues in the memorandum would be referred to the Pakistan government for suitable action.

Bashir said the Pakistan government was also concerned about the incidents and that his country was committed to protecting fundamental human rights of all minorities, including Hindus.

He said Pakistan has taken steps to promote interfaith harmony as well as respect for religious beliefs, culture and traditions of the minorities.

The BJP leaders also expressed their anguish over repeated reports of forced conversions of Hindu girls in Pakistan and said there was no legal recognition for Hindu marriages.

The memorandum said Hindus were reportedly discriminated against when it comes to government jobs or school.

“The BJP is alarmed and shocked by these tragic affairs concerning Hindus in Pakistan. Hindus are forced to convert and Christians complain of Pakistani blasphemy laws. It seems that there is a climate of fear for minorities,” the memorandum said.

The BJP leaders said that rights of the Hindu community cannot be brushed aside and the Pakistan government should should act firmly against the culprits.