Discuss bills in assembly: Kerala speaker to parties


Thiruvananthapuram : Political differences among parties should not prevent them from taking part in discussions on bills and issues, Kerala assembly Speaker G. Karthikeyan said Wednesday hoping that the session commencing Dec 10 will be productive.

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Karthikeyan asked legislators and political parties to use this session in the best possible manner.

“Of the 10 days the assembly will be in session, six days are kept solely for legislation. Political parties send their legislators to see that they take effective part in legislation. Political parties do differ on issues but it should not prevent them from taking part in clause by clause discussions on bills,” said Karthikeyan.

Of late, the Kerala assembly has seen more of walk outs and disruptions and less of serious discussions, especially when it comes to bills.

Karthikeyan recalled that the Right to Service Bill was passed in the house without discussion. “All that happened was that I was reading it to be passed. This bill was of very important nature and it was passed like that.”

He also recalled the statement made by President Pranab Mukherjee when he addressed the Kerala assembly Oct 30 in connection with the celebrations to mark 125 years of the state legislative body.

The president had said that disruption should never be allowed to be used as an effective parliamentary intervention.

“It should be the endeavour of every legislator to ensure that the content and the quality of debates that take place in the chambers are of a high order befitting their status as people’s representatives,” the president had said.