Kerala Muslims on Gujarat genocide and a decade long struggle for justice

By Abdul Basith,,

Kozhikode: Taking into account factors like representation in governance and bureaucracy, security, education, economic and social stability, Kerala has been a state where Muslims are in a much better position compared to other Indian states. Muslims in the state have been a model of inspiration for the community across the country.

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So it’s befitting to highlight what the Keralite Muslim thinks about the 2002 state sponsored genocide of Muslims in Gujarat and the decade long struggle for justice.

Pictures of the victims of Post-Godhra riots on the 10th anniversary of Gulberg Society killings

Talking to on the 2002 Godhra carnage, retired Prof and eminent sociologist NP Hafiz Muhammed reminded that the “Gujarat riot was the first time that India witnessed a deadly alliance between the state and the civil society, directly carrying out riots against a specific community. It indeed was a turning point in the history of riots as the state along with its machineries like police had vicious involvement in the riots.”

He also said that the last 10 years, as expected the state which wholeheartedly supported the pogrom made even cruel attempts to deny justice to the victims.

Mr. Hafiz argued that Gujarat has forced at least a few members of the Muslim community to “think on a communal basis and it is a fact that a few among them have adopted aggressive ways; this is well evident from the activities of a few Muslims groups in Kerala.”

He expressed his anxiety on the fact that, the secular, liberal sects of the society are getting weakened to its worst in the recent times and it seems like they have become a failure in addressing the tactics in disguise by the communal fascist elements in the country.

Veteran columnist O Abdullah was of the opinion that justice is still an oasis to the victims of Gujarat. Even the left parties and congress too seems quite ordinary in their efforts to win justice to the victims, except for a few like Teesta Setalvad, he added.

When countries like America and other western countries are sensible enough to deny visa to Modi the Indian media is busy presenting him as the next Prime Minister; Tata, Ambani and even politicians from parties other than BJP, praise him and in a way asks the victims of Gujarat to forgive all his sins just because he is bringing corporate money to Gujarat, added the veteran columnist.

Admitting the fact that justice has not been delivered to the Muslims in Gujarat, former Youth Congress State General Secretary, Mustafa Backer said, “One should not consider our system lame just because there are a few like Modi making use of it.”

“The way to resist and keep away such fascists and fanatics is to completely ally with democratic, secular majority of the nation, Backer argued.

Harshad, a former chairman Farook College Student Union, Calicut questioned the popular logic of asking the victims to “forget and move on.”

“How the victims can forgive those brutalities when their wounds are pricked and justice is denied to them time and again? What they must be going through every time when they see those culprits walking free in front of them?” he asked.

‘Wish Tree’ at Gulberg Society arranged by survivors with handwritten chits of their expressions, prayers and wishes

Harshad argued that it is not just that the justice is denied; instead last 10 years, each and every second the injustice got repeated mounting immense pain on the victims.

Highlighting the double standards practiced by the media and Right wing intellectuals, Harshad said that they have been asking the victims to derive a positive energy and to move on by leaving the memories of this mishap behind, but can the media ever will have a similar approach towards the Mumbai attack as well?

Ramziya Ashraf, M. Sc. student from SIAS Vazhayur, was of the opinion that Gujarat is yet to heal completely from the wounds of the 2002 riots. She argued that the Modi government, while concentrating on the growth rate and corruption free administration of the state, has not taken any sincere measures to unite Hindu-Muslim communities.