Pakistani daily questions train fare hike


Islamabad : The hike in railway fares in Pakistan come at a time when “earnings are dipping, inflation is high and no cheaper transportation option is available”, said a leading daily that demanded value for money for train passengers.

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An editorial in the Dawn Wednesday described Pakistan Railways as “a wagon attached to an engine at either end. Just as a weak engine tries to propel it forward, the other roars into action and drags it back”.

It said there is “angry sentiment” over the increase in train fares from March 15.

“Fare increases are never welcome, but in this instance the hike comes at a time when earnings are dipping, inflation is high and no cheaper transportation option is available. The fare hike was inevitable given the soaring oil prices, but it creates a problem for PR just when it was finally showing signs of emerging from its long slumber,” the editorial added.

It noted that as locomotives returned, the goods train operations picked up after a long period of virtual dormancy.

“In recent months, up to four trains left Karachi for upcountry on a good day; the number had previously fallen to a couple of trains a week. This had raised hopes amid reports that more locomotives – repaired or new – were on their way.”

Calling the fare issue a “sensitive one”, the editorial said that Pakistan Railways “cannot continue as an old public-sector organisation providing an essential service without the right returns”.

“An overhaul and a new, sounder policy is what it needs. As a prelude, PR must make efforts to ensure that its passengers are getting the maximum possible value for their money and it must somehow have its fleet up and running on a sustained basis,” it added.