Opposition should be constructive in Parliament: Premji


Bangalore : Wipro Chairman Azim Premji Friday hoped the opposition would be constructive in the winter session of Parliament beginning Nov 22 so that legislative business, including bills, could be passed.

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“We hope that the opposition (parties) will be little more constructive in Parliament during the winter session beginning Nov 22,” Premji told reporters on the margins of a conference on the IT bellwether’s financial performance in second quarter (July-September) of this fiscal (2012-13).

Premji’s observation comes in the backdrop of the opposition-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) not allowing the monsoon session of Parliament to function over the alleged multi-crore-rupee coal scam and its demand for the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who was also holding the coal ministry portfolio when coal blocks were allotted to state-run and private firms.

Lauding the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government for taking some positive initiatives during the last two months, Premji said there was a renewed focus on trying to execute them.

“A set of new ministers have come and they have been told to give results and report to the prime minister directly. They (ministers) have to get bureaucrats to take more responsibility and fully support them in taking decisions,” Premji observed.

Noting that the government was moving in the right direction, Premji, however, expressed concern over execution of policies.

“We remain fingers crossed on the consistency of execution and hope there is no reversal in terms of policy announcements made so far,” the billionaire executive pointed out.

Referring to the observations of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on the economic outlook, Premji reiterated that the central bank was not optimistic on inflation coming down and had revised the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate downwards and had not reduced the interest rate.