SIO Hyderabad plans mass online protest against Israel

By TCN Staff Reporter,

Hyderabad: Ongoing Israeli attack on Gaza has prompted Student Islamic Organization of India (SIO) Hyderabad unit to utilize the individual anger prevailing on the internet to use it as a mass mobilize online protest to ‘make the world listen to the plight of the Palestinians’. SIO Hyderabad unit believes that mass and viral online protest will be more productive then depiction of individual anger over the killing of innocents.

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SIO Hyderabad is planning an online viral protest on Sunday Nov 25th on Twitter and Facebook to mark the hash tag #SaveGaza trend for the day.

Speaking to, SIO Hyderabad city secretary Arifuddin Mohammed said that basic aim for organizing online protest is to create awareness regarding the plight of Palestinians at international level, so to build pressure on Israel Defense Force. Mr. Arifuddin said, “Manual protest in some street of Hyderabad will not even have a national attention but online massive and viral protest will make your slogan heard at the power centers of the world.”

The FB page created for the event has till now registered more than 1000 persons, organizers are hopeful to rope in at least 10,000 netizens for the protest to raise a mass-based and dominant voice against the bombardment of Gaza and oppression of Israeli establishment.

Protest will begin on 9pm (IST) / 3:30pm (GMT) / 10.30am (EST) on Sunday, People who are willing to join the online viral protest against the oppression of Israel can register at this page