4 years after 26/11, Antony for fool-proof coastal security


New Delhi : Nearly four years after 26/11 when 10 Pakistani terrorists came from the sea to unleash terror in Mumbai, Defence Minister A.K. Antony Monday held an inter-ministerial meeting to review coastal security and stressed on doubling manpower and infrastructure for the purpose.

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Officials of nearly 13 ministries and departments attended the meeting. National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon also attended the review meeting.

“As we come closer to 26/11 this year, we are reminded of the day on which our security faced the biggest challenge. We resolved to convert the challenge into opportunity and in the last four years a number of steps have been taken by the ministry of defence,” Antony told officials.

Antony stressed that the last four years saw “an unprecedented growth” in the capabilities of the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard to tackle maritime threats.

“Assets, infrastructure and manpower – all have grown and the two services are likely to almost double their capabilities by the end of the 12th Plan,” he said.

Alluding to the installation of 46 coastal static radars (36 in mainland and 10 in island territories), Antony said he has directed the authorities to complete radar installation on the mainland by Nov 26, 2012 and to ensure the same for the island territories by March 2013.

He announced plans to launch the Phase II of Coastal Security Initiatives.

Various ministries, coastal state governments and coastal communities are key stakeholders in coastal security.