AMU community condemns massacre of civilians in Egypt

    By TCN News,

    Aligarh: A Symposim on “Murder of Democracy in Egypt” was organized by the Faculty of Theology, AMU, Aligarh, in which a large number of teachers, scholars and students participated. Prof. Saud Alam Qasmi, Dean, Faculty of Theology, AMU, gave the inaugural speech in which he condemned the brutal massacre of civilians by the Egyptian armed forces.

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    He also criticized the unlawful dismissal of the elected government of Dr. Mohammad Morsi. He urged that democracy and justice must be restored without any delay. He said that Muslim world should come out openly to favour democratic voices of the Brotherhood leaders and followers.

    Prof. Mohsin Usmani, Former Dean, Faculty of Languages of the EFL University, Hyderabad, explained the democratic struggle of the Ikhwanul Muslimeen for decades who were always suppressed by repressive regimes. He said that Al-Sisi is following the policy of the United States to dislodge any government democratically formed by the Followers of Islam.

    Dr. Arshi Khan, Department of Political Science, AMU said that the US and the West are not interested in Democracy for Muslim countries as their agenda is to create ‘failed states in Muslim territories. He said that the CIA is deeply involved in alliance with Mossad to create unstable and insecure Egypt like Iraq. Dr. Aftab Alam, Secretary, AMUTA said that Muslim countries are silent over the killings in Egypt.

    Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Chairman, Shia Theology, AMU, said that the international community should come out with strong protest against so many killings of Muslims in one day, which did not happen even by the regime of Shah in Iran.

    Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Faculty of Law, said that the West speaks of democracy, freedom and human rights but prefers dictators particularly in Muslim countries. Military intervention has caused the violations of democratic principles and the UN Charter.

    Prof. Razaullah Khan and Prof. Abdul Qayyum, former Presidents, AMUTA and Dr. Zahid, also condemned the massacre by military regime. Prof. Ishtiaq Ahmad Zilli, Director, Shibly Academy, Azamgarh, said in his presidential remarks that the Muslim Brotherhood has been sacrificing themselves for many many decades for the purpose of the restoration of the will of the people and they would finally succeed in their efforts for making Egypt democratic and peaceful country. He said that their sacrifice would enlighten democratic forces in Gulf countries.

    A resolution was passed at the Seminar condemning the suppression of peaceful democratic demonstrations and massacre of thousands of the civilians in Egypt. It also denounced the illegal arrest and detention of President Mohammad Morsi and other leaders.

    The resolution also urged the Government of India, United Nations, European Union, Russia and China for taking appropriate measures at international level to protect the lives and rights of the people in Egypt in addition to holding free and fair elections at the earliest.

    Interestingly while CIA and West was blamed for the wrong doings, only pass remarks of Muslim countires’ silence figured in the programme. No one unequivocally condemned the support of Saudi monarch and UAE to to the Egyptian army.