New Delhi : The BJP Sunday said that the promulgation of ordinance for stricter punishment for sexual crimes against women was a belated move by the government to address concerns of people on the issue and should have been brought earlier.
Party leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that the BJP supports moves towards strict laws to deter crimes against women but the government should have acted earlier.
“It should have been done earlier. The party had demanded a special session (of parliament) on the issue,” Naqvi told IANS.
He said there have been strong demands for stricter laws following the brutal gang-rape of a young woman in Delhi last month.
Naqvi said the party will spell out its stance in detail in the budget session of parliament when the government is expected to push for passage of criminal law amendment bill.
The bill is being considered by the standing committee on home ministry. The panel is expected to give its recommendations before the start of budget session later this month.
President Pranab Mukherjee Sunday gave his approval to an ordinance that awards stricter punishment for sexual crimes against women, including death sentence in rare instances.
The criminal law (amendment) ordinance was approved by the cabinet Friday.