By TCN News,
Mumbai: A self-employment guidance workshop was organized in Mumbra on 24 February, 2013 by Jamaat e Islami Hind (JIH) Mumbra in collaboration with Al – Aqsa Education and Welfare Trust, Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) and National Small Industry Centre (NSIC).
“As unemployment is grave issue that needs serious address worldwide especially in India, this was an effort to increase the awareness about various governmental schemes that promote self-employment,” said a spokesperson of JIH.

After the inaugural speech by Saif Asre of JIH Kausa, Mumbra in-charge of social services department who pointed out the gravity of the problem of unemployment and JIH’s resolution for its eradication and what steps are taken in this regards.
NU Khan (Asst. Director of Micro Small Medium Enterprise – Directorate of Industries, Mumbai), introduced MSME and various schemes provides by them. Going into minutes of various schemes NU Khan got interaction with the audience and besides introducing the schemes, he also clarified their doubts and answered their questions in this regards.
Anand Malwade (Project Manager, Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurs Development, Thane), in his speech about entrepreneurship as good that everyone can do business it properly trained.

This training was provided through MCED free of cost. Under some schemes even some stipend was given during training. Special training programs for women were also provided by MCED. Such training included, mobile repairing, bike repairing, car repairing, fashion designing, tailoring, typing, etc.
Abhishek from NSIC (Dy. Manager, National Small Industry Centre, Thane), introduced NSIC that it help those entrepreneurs who has already started their business but want to improve can be helped by NSIC. He elaborated upon raw material assistance schemes by NSIC.
The program ended with concluding words of Zafar Ansari, Chairman of Al-Aqsa Education & Welfare Trust and President of Jamaat e Islami Hind, Mumbra.