Thiruvananthapuram : Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy Wednesday came to the aid of 200 children in the state who suffer from a condition called brittle bone disease (BBD), offering families with such children a pension of Rs.400 per month.
BBD or osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital bone disorder that leaves children prone to fractures.
“Today (Wednesday) morning I went to attend a programme of children affected with this very rare disease. I was told about their difficulties. I immediately asked a two-member ministerial committee to speak with the families and those who work with this group. In the afternoon, we discussed this and decided to help them,” Chandy said.
“Those who are afflicted with BBD and have 40 percent disability will now start getting the pension given to all physically challenged in the state. These patients will now get free medicines for their ailment and all the families will be categorised in the below poverty line category list, which will enable them to receive other benefits too,” Chandy said.