Bengal governor hopes central forces will be properly deployed

    By IANS,

    Kolkata : Amid allegations that the West Bengal government was not deploying the central paramilitary troopers requisitioned for the panchayat polls, state Governor M.K. Narayanan Friday hoped they would be put on duty to ensure the safety and security of all stakeholders.

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    “Today they would have been deployed, because it is important to ensure the safety and security of people participating in the elections and also to instill confidence among the people. I am hoping they will be deployed in the third and subsequent pahses,” Narayanan told media persons on the sidelines of a programme here.

    He said the central government has been generous in sending the central forces and it was now the responsibility of the state to deploy them.

    “It is the responsibility of the state, and not of the union home minister, who has given the forces. The centre has been quite generous. It is for us to deploy,” he said.

    Asked about his views on the conduct of polls so far, the government said the first round went off well. “The second round not enough so well.”

    Notwithstanding the initial opposition of the state government, the State Election Commission had sought central forces for the polls. The panel finally went to the court and got the central forces.