In political war, Modi is our best commando: BJP official

    By IANS,

    Panaji : Using the idiom of war, BJP national general secretary Dharmendra Pradhan Friday said Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was the “best commando” the party could have in its political battle.

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    “There is no doubt Modi is the best commando we have. And in a war, we use our best weapons and commandos,” Pradhan told IANS, before going into a meeting of the party’s national office bearers at a city resort here.

    The Friday meeting is expected to set the tone for the Bharatiya Janata Party’s two-day national executive and council meetings, which are expected to decide on the BJP strategy for the Lok Sabha polls of 2014.

    Pradhan, who was recently appointed the party’s in-charge for Bihar, said that while a final decision on the party’s campaign strategy would be taken by its parliamentary board, a “decisive message” would be sent from this national executive meet.

    “The party workers and the common people are filled with excitement at his (Modi’s) name. As the party president (Rajnath Singh) has always said, he is the most popular leader,” Pradhan said.

    Asked about the absence of L.K. Advani and some other leaders, Pradhan did not respond directly, but insisted that there was no division within the party.

    “There are no differences in the party,” he said, adding: “This meet will chart out the strategy to uproot the Congress. People are tired of the Congress.”