Karzai seeks Pakistan’s cooperation in war on terror


Kabul : Afghan President Hamid Karzai Monday termed terrorism as the common enemy of Afghanistan and Pakistan and sought firm anti-terror support from Islamabad.

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“Terrorism is the common enemy of both Afghanistan and Pakistan and the government of Afghanistan wants Pakistan to honestly cooperate in the war on terror,” Karzai said at a joint press conference with visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, reported Xinhua.

Karzai made the remarks soon after the head of Ulema Council or religious scholars’ council of Pakistan, Tahir Ashrafi, reportedly endorsed and supported suicide attack in Afghanistan.

Ashrafi, who has close relations with Taliban, described Afghanistan as an “occupied country” saying suicide attack is lawful and permitted in Afghanistan, a fatwa which has been strongly condemned in Afghanistan by people from all walks of life including religious scholars.

“Pakistan is also suffering at the hand of terrorism and the deadly terrorists’ attacks in Quetta and Karachi are the proofs,” Karzai added.

The NATO chief promised to stand alongside with Afghanistan beyond 2014 when the NATO-led forces leave the country.

He also called on Afghan government to ensure transparency for the 2014 presidential election in Afghanistan.

“Next year elections are your opportunity to choose the future you want, that is your sovereign rights, it is your sovereign role and it is your sovereign responsibility whether these elections are inclusive and that its process and outcome are acceptable to Afghan people,” the NATO secretary general said.

Karzai and Rasmussen, before attending the press conference, exchanged views on the security situation in Afghanistan, security transition process from NATO to Afghan national security forces and NATO’s role in Afghanistan beyond 2014.