CLMC demands judicial inquiry on the death of Mudassir Kamran

By TCN News

Hyderabad: Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee, a city-based organization has expressed its condolence on suicidal death of a Research Scholar Mr.Mudassir Kamran and strongly condemned the role of proctor and the VC administration.

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Mudasir Kamran, a PhD student in the ELE (English Language Education) Department, was found dead on the night of March 2, 2012.

A member of the administration, Proctor Harish Vijra, responded to a scuffle between Mudassir and his friend by handing him over to the police, which could have been solved in a friendly and amicable manner within the university a space where students can feel comfortable and confident. But that was dragged to a police station. Mudassir Kamran was also one of the two Kashmiri students on EFL campus.

“A police station can mean different things to different people. And as far as a Kashmiri is concerned, especially in the light of recent national developments, there is every reason that a police station would recall fears of being branded as a ‘terrorist’. Under these circumstances Mudassir might have felt threatened and disturbed. We strongly believe the administration clearly understands the implications and possible consequences of subscribing to police action against a Kashmiri Muslim student in the present context of Afzal Guru’s execution and the bombings in Hyderabad. Yet the administration turned a blind eye against its own student and treated him like a criminal and a mentally disturbed person, who they thought would be treated by the police,” said a statement issued by CLMC.

“It is also known that this is not the first time that the Proctor has shown complete absence of empathy towards the needs of students. The proctor was well aware of Mudassir’s problems for the last few months and chose to ignore. In situations of conflict between students in the university, the administration’s basic responsibility lies in providing counseling and to create a friendly atmosphere in which these problems can be solved instead of handing the students to the police to be intimidated. Here the role of proctor is highly suspicious.”

CLMC demands:

1. For judicial enquiry into the matter as there is conflicting situation in the university.
2. Stringent action should be taken against the Proctor as he is responsible for Mudassir Kamran’s death and he should be removed from the post of Proctor.
3. Police should not be allowed to enter the campus.
4. The demands of the students should be fulfilled and false allegations should not be made against to suppress them. The students protest should not be seen as law and order problem but their emotions should be understood as well as their right to demonstration.