Has Mahmood Madani accepted the existence of Indian Mujahideen?

    Afroz Alam Sahil for BeyondHeadlines

    For last few months, Indian Mujahedeen (IM) and its activities have become headlines on national news channels. Why it shouldn’t be? As all alleged masterminds of IM have been in the custody of our security agencies. And the security agencies uncovered many disastrous plans of these alleged masterminds.

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    Even investigative journalists are not behind in this case; they are disclosing new findings regarding ‘terror module’ of these alleged terrorists. But these journalists are over relying on disclosures of security agencies, instead on their own actual investigation.

    It is also reported that many Muslim leaders are on the hit list of IM. This “sensational” disclosure is provided by Asadullah Akhtar (aka Haddi), who was being arrested along with alleged IM co-founder Yasin Bhatkal, during an interrogation by security agencies.

    Haddi also reported to have revealed that SIMI former president Dr. Shahid Badr Falahi, All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) leader Kalbe Sadiq, Arshad Madani of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, and Rajya Sabhi Member Mohammed Madani are also on the hit list of IM.

    Considering this alleged threat, the government and security forces planned to provide Z Plus Security to aforementioned Muslim leaders. Mohammed Madni has already been given Z Plus Security. According to Madani’s legal adviser Niyaz Farooqi the security has been recently provided to Madani as he’s been under threat for quite some time.

    When contacted by BeyondHeadlines, Mahmood Madani told that he has already been getting security but now it’s upgraded to Z Plus by the government. When asked about being on the hit list of IM, he denied that and said he doesn’t have any such information. He also refused to answer any question regarding IM.

    Whereas Kalbe Sadiq told BeyondHeadlines that the government offered security to him but he outrightly denied it. He confidently said he did not need any Y or Z security.

    Arshad Madani said he did not believe in any organization like “Indian Mujahedeen”. He opined that IM is a pseudo organization created by the government and its intelligence agencies. Intelligence Dept. brings out such disclosures and statements to mislead people, he added. Madani said he did not require any security cover.

    Rihai Manch president Adv. Shoeb stated: “Mahmood Madani has acknowledge presence of IB created terror outfit IM by accepting security cover. Anyways, to strengthen its stand IB sometimes arrests Bhatkal and alike while some other time it collaborates with Sangh Parivar to let blasts happen in Patna’s Gandhi Maidan.”

    In this situation, Mahmood Madani’s acceptance of Z Plus security needs strong denouncement, Adv Shoeb said. He also added that statements and moves like these may mean IB could also possibly plan attacks on ulemas.

    Milli Gazette Editor and AIMMM president Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan raised questions over the very existence of IM. He stated: “It’s a pseudo organization created by intelligence departments.”

    Let’s not forget that Mahmood Madani earlier said Congress is creating Modi fear among Muslim to garner votes. Kalbe Sadiq too stated some time back that Modi would be given support if he changes himself.

    In 2008, it was reported by media that IM allegedly declared Mahmood Madani as its biggest enemy in an email sent to a local channel. A conference against terrorism organized in Deoband by Jamiat Ulema Hind was cited to have been the reason for the IM mail.

    On 28 February 2008, the conference has passed a number of resolutions. And the organization has conducted numerous other similar conferences across the country.

    In 2012, media also revealed that Madani received life-threat. Madani himself issued police statement in this regard. Madani said he’s been receiving life-threatening calls on his personal mobile number.

    Earlier, Madani reportedly received life-threatening calls at his Deoband residence landline phone, and he requested for police protection of his family and himself. Mahmood Madani’s acceptance of Z Plus Security lead us to think that he believes in the existence of IM. However, Muslims have always denied its existence.

    Indian Mujahideen’s existence is yet to be proven in a court of law. Government had the opportunity to provide material to prove their charge that accused in Batla House encounters were indeed IM members. But government refused to provide any evidence to prove their claim and Delhi High Court threw out that charge.

    In light of this will Mahmood Madani accept threat from an organization whose existence is yet to be proved?

    The article was translated by SM Fasiullah and modified for TwoCircles.net. Afroz Alam Sahil is the editor of BeyondHeadlines.in