Politicians welcome death to gang rape convicts

    By IANS,

    New Delhi : The political fraternity Friday came together to hail the death sentence to the four convicted in the Delhi Dec 16 gang rape case.

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    Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde set the mood when he said: “Justice was given to the girl and the family.”

    “It passes on the message that if you commit this crime, this is the punishment you will get,” he said.

    His junior minister R.P.N. Singh said, “Justice has been done, agree with judge there has to be zero tolerance for such crimes, that is message that has gone out with this sentence.”

    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj said the death penalty will act as a deterrent for such offences.

    “I welcome the judgment in the Delhi gang rape case. This will serve as a deterrent for such offences,” Swaraj said on Twitter.

    Congress leader Ambika Soni said: “The crime which was committed was rape, murder, brutal murder, the judgment is more than welcome.”

    BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman tweeted: “India shall not tolerate barbarity! Nirbhaya: Courts have given your tormentors their due. Now rest in peace, notwithstanding their appeal.”

    A slightly cautious Milind Deora of the Congress while welcoming the judgment said: “Also remember that unless the average Indian’s mindset towards women changes, little else will.”

    The four men were Friday given death sentence for the Dec 16 gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern in a bus in which she was travelling with her male companion.