NSUI candidates sweep University of Rajasthan polls

Jaipur : After its drubbing in both Lok Sabha and state assembly polls, the Congress Sunday had reason to cheer as its student wing, NSUI, won all the major posts in the University of Rajasthan student elections.

National Students Union of India’s (NSUI) Anil Chopra and Anil Chauhan were declared elected as apex president and vice president of the university respectively in the results declared Sunday, while Vijaydeep Singh Tamaria and Surbhi Meena won the elections to the posts of general secretary and joint secretary.

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The defeat came as a major surprise for the Rss-affiliated Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad as the varsity is considered as one of its strongest bastions.

The university elections were held in August but announcement of results was stayed by a court order and were declared only Sunday.

Congress’ state chief Sachin Pilot, while congratulating NSUI candidates, said: “The historic victory of the candidates has shown that one-year term of the state BJP government has failed to meet the aspirations of youth.

“BJP governments, both at the state and the centre, have failed to meet a single promise they made earlier,” he said in a statement.

“The youth were disillusioned with the Vasundhara Raje led government in the state and the false promises they made at the time of polls so they voted for and reposed faith in NSUI,” said Congress state unit spokesman Pratap Singh Kachriawas.