By TCN News,
New Delhi: The Centre for European Latin American Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, Instituto Camões, New Delhi and Embassy of Brazil are going to organize a Literary Interaction with the Brazilian Writer Marco Lucchesi.
Marco Lucchesi, poet, novelist, essayist and translator was born in Rio de Janeiro, who has published, among other books, Nove Cartas Sobre a Divina Comédia (Nine Letters about the Divine Comedy), O Dom do Crime (The Gift of Crime), Meridiano Celeste & Bestiário (Celestial Meridian Bestiary), Sphera, A Memória de Ulisses (Ulysses’s Memory), Ficções de um Gabinete Ocidental (Fictions of a Western Cabinet), Os olhos do Deserto(The Eyes of the Desert), Poemas Reunidos (Collected Poems) and Teatro Alquímico (Alchemic Theatre).
His books have been translated into German, Persian, Romanian and Swedish. The author has also published several books in Italian.
Luchesi has received several national and international awards for his work, among which the following: Alceu Amoroso Lima Award (Brazil), for lifetime achievement in poetry; Marin Sorescu Prize (Romania); the prize of Ministero dei Beni Culturali (Italy); the prize Prometeo d’Argento della Presidenza della Repubblica (Italy) as well as the Pantera d’Oro (Lucca, Italy), and the Lauro Dantesco prize (Ravenna, Italy).
Marco Lucchesi is a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. In 2011, he was elected for chair number 15 of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
The programme is scheduled to be held on January 17, 2014 at 4 PM at Instituto Camões, (Portuguese Embassy Cultural Centre), 4, Panchsheel Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.