By Mahmood Asim,,
New Delhi: Amidst hopes and fears of policies of new government towards Muslims Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has urged the community to come together and resist any attempt at diluting the Personal Laws in the name of Common Uniform Civil Codes.
“It is the duty of Muslims to practice the Shariah. India is a country where diversity and pluralism exist, so it is not easy to implement the laws such as civil codes,” Said Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Syed Jalaluddin Umri here at Jamaat Headquarters on Saturday evening.

“Change in fundamental rights is a tough task and hard nut to crack, so such issues are at odds with the sprite of Constitution of India,” Amir e Jamaat said, while speaking at gathering on the topic of ‘Issue of Personal laws in India.’
Addressing the gathering, Muslim Personal laws Board Executive Member SQR Ilyas spoke in length about the role and History of Muslim Personal Law Board in India. Refereeing to Shah Bano case and the struggle of Board since its inception, he said, “We have faced multiple challenges to safeguard the rights of Muslims in India but Uniform Civil Codes is to crush the identity of Muslims and moreover there are other examples of ruling that come close to the same end i.e. to contradict the Shariah specially in recent times.”

He also pointed out that today RSS is advocating for civil codes but “even Golwalker considered the civil codes not implacable in the context of India.” He added that “Ambedkar believed that the civil codes are impractical without the consent of Muslims.
Ilyas believe that there are issues in Sharia that contradict several court rulings and hence Judiciary should avoid such issues like limiting the age for marriage and adoption are few to mention.