Congress demands recall of Goa DGP

Panaji : The Congress in Goa Monday demanded the immediate recall of DGP T.N. Mohan, accusing him of acting as a “spokesperson for the drug mafia in Goa”.

The director general of police’s statement Friday in which he denied the existence of a mafia dealing in narcotics in Goa, would be interpreted as a signal to police officials to go slow on peddlers and pushers, said Congress spokesperson Sunil Kawthankar while addressing a press conference at the party’s state headquarters in the state capital.

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“It is unfortunate that the Goa DGP is behaving like a spokesperson of the drug mafia in the state. We condemn his statement. It is a slap on the face of those police officers and people who are fighting against the drug mafia in Goa,” Kawthankar said.

The spokesperson demanded an immediate recall of the DGP by the union home ministry for his comments, which Kawthankar said came some months after a legislative committee report indicted both former home minister Ravi Naik and Mohan’s immediate predecessor DGP Kishen Kumar for their alleged links to the drug mafia.

“There are drugs in Goa… It is still my opinion that Goa is not Mexico. Goa does not have a mafia or a lawlessness which is there in those places,” Mohan had said Friday while addressing his first press conference since taking over as the DGP of the state.