Government said assurances will be implemented soon: Mazdoor Sangh

New Delhi : The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), a labour group backed by the RSS, on Saturday said the government has assured it of soon implementing the assurances given last year to central trade unions on their demands.

A press release from BMS said its delegation met Nripendra Mishra, principal secretary to the prime minister, in his office and held a discussion on labour law reforms and various issues related to labour including the bidi industry, sick and closed public sector undertakings.

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“Principal secretary to the prime minister assured a delegation of BMS that the written assurance given on August 27 last year to central trade unions by the group of ministers constituted by the prime minster will be implemented soon,” the release said.

The delegation included BMS general secretary Virjesh Upadhyay, former president Saji Narayanan and zonal organising secretary Pawan Kumar.

The release quoted Mishra as saying that the government will prove it was “most pro-labour”.

“Nripendra Mishra said whatever good things are done by the government are not getting sufficient publicity whereas negatives are being widely propagated.

“He said the government will prove that it is the most pro-labour one. He also assured that reforms will be moved only after taking into consideration trade union concerns,” the release added.

The trade unions had last year presented the government with a 12-point demand charter.

The government had made a series of assurances, including appropriate legislation for making formula-based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.