Toronto : Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has urged Gujaratis settled abroad to exert pressure on the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to tighten India’s anti-terror laws in the wake of the recent serial blasts in Jaipur, Ahmedabad and New Delhi.
Addressing a Gujarati Canadian community gala via satellite video conferencing Friday night, Modi said that the world today faced twin threats of global warming and global terrorism.
“All nations have tightened anti-terror laws after 9/11, but not India. I have appealed to New Delhi for a tougher law for four years, and you have seen what terrorists are doing everyday. Please all of you write, e-mail to the prime minister on this issue,” he said.
At the event organised by the Canada India Foundation here, Modi also asked Gujaratis abroad to become aggressive partners in the development of their ancestral land.
The chief minister said Gujarat was the most attractive destination for investment as it led India with an 11 percent growth rate.
“We will take this rate to much higher levels. Gujarat will be the leader on all fronts,” Modi said, listing his government’s achievements.
He asked Gujarati Canadians to attend the Global Investors’ Conference in the state Jan 12-13 next year to see the attractive opportunities for investment.
“The pace of our development could be gauged from the fact that while only Rs.52,000 lakh crore (Rs.52,000 trillion) was earmarked for the state in the all first 10 five-year plans, the current plan outlay is Rs.800,000 lakh crore,” Modi said amid applause.
The rapid pace of industrialisation of the state, he said, offered a great opportunity to Gujaratis abroad to invest in the state.
“The Reserve Bank of India has given Gujarat the top rank in industrial development. The state government will create more safe economic zones to attract investment. Our aim is to create vibrant Gujarats within Gujarat,” the chief minister said.
Modi said his state was also leading the milk revolution in India and promoting agriculture with modern irrigation and water policies.
Most villages in the state, he said, enjoyed broadband connectivity, linking them to the rest of the world.
Pitching for wildlife tourism in the state, the chief minister said Gujarat had rare species like the Gir lion.
“I urge every NRI to persuade 15 non-Indians to visit our land and help us earn foreign money and create jobs,” Modi said.
When the audience asked him whether he would play a bigger role at the national level politics, Modi said he had played this role as national secretary of the BJP in New Delhi.
“Even as chief minister I am also playing role in national politics. You don’t change clothes for that role,” he said amid laughter.
Asked when he would visit Canada, Modi said: “Right now I am only obsessed about Gujarat”.