Obama big winner if the rest of the world could vote: survey


Toronto : Barack Obama would score a crushing victory over John McCain if the rest of the world could also vote in the US election, says a global survey.

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The survey by eight newspapers in Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, Great Britain and Belgium showed that people in these countries overwhelmingly preferred Obama to MacCain.When people in all the eight countries were asked about the US election, they said they will favour Obama in the White House.

In Switzerland, the senator from Illinois received 83 percent of support as against only 7 percent for John McCain.Canada was the second country where the first black presidential candidate in the US would get 70 percent of support if Canadians could vote in the presidential election. McCain, who has tried to be friendly towards Canada on trade-related issues, could find only 14 percent support.

The survey showed that even Poland, where McCain is most popular and which supported the US-led war in Iraq, favoured Obama by a margin of 17 percent.Asked about the US forces in Iraq, 68 percent of Mexicans wanted their quick exit, followed by 63 percent French, 58 percent Poles, 57 percent Swiss and 53 percent Canadians.

A large number of respondents also wanted the next US president not to seek a military intervention in Iran.In Canada, the survey was conducted by Montreal-based leading French-language national newspaper La Presse.