Egypt”s declaration to continue efforts to reach Palestinian reconciliation hailed


Cairo : The council also shouldered Israel the responsibility for the deteriorating situation in the Palestinian territories, as it called for an immediate halting of Israel’s hostilities targeting Christian and Islamic holy places that were practiced in a loud infringement of international and human regulations.

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It also condemned the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, which led to worsening humanitarian situation of Palestinians even more and called for a swift lift of such siege and pledged offering all support for Palestinians.

The council also urged the international community, represented by UNRWA, to shoulder its humanitarian responsibility regarding collective punishment practiced by Israel against Gazans.

It also called for taking measures to prevent Israeli products from being exempt from international customs fees in global markets.

The council further condemned Israel’s manipulative and racism-filled schemes that led to confiscating more Palestinian territories in the West Bank, which made it almost impossible for an independent Palestinian state to be established.

The council also urged the Mideast Quartet to pressure Israel to halt violations that shattered unity and sovereignty of a potential Palestinian state.

The council decided to keep the meeting open so as to follow up on latest developments in the Palestinian arena and asked the Arab League’s Secretary General Amr Moussa to follow up the decision and present an inclusive report on it for the next session of the council.