Christians in Lucknow to fast, pray for nation Friday


Lucknow : Nearly 4,000 members of the Methodist church in the Uttar Pradesh capital have pledged to observe a daylong fast on Friday and pray for the safety and security of the country in the wake of the Mumbai carnage.

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“The Methodists here will fast Dec 26 and offer special prayers to get India free from terror,” Rev. Dr. Herbert Able, pastor of the 150-year old Central Methodist Church, told IANS Monday.

The Methodists will gather for prayers at the Central Methodist Church in Lalbagh locality, he added.

“We will pray to the almighty to generate good conscience in the minds of those who think terror is the only way to meet their objective,” said Newton Paul, a Methodist Christian and resident of Lalbagh locality.

As a mark of respect to those killed in the terror attack, the historic Central Methodist Church will keep its gates closed – for the first time.

“It will be for the first time in history that the gates of the church would be closed to pay homage to those who lost their lives in the Nov 26 Mumbai terror assault,” said Able.

The Catholic and Methodist groups have also resolved to dilute the festive celebrations on Christmas.

The dance, drama and cultural programmes that are part of the Christmas celebrations would not be organised this time, according to H.R. D`Souza, spokesperson of the Catholic Diocese, Lucknow.