Indian elections, BJP & the republicans

By Mike Ghouse,

Fascism was taking root in the world democracies since 2003, its fountain heads were Advani in India and Cheney in the United States. Both of them captured the base emotions of extremism of the people who form less than 1/10th of I% of their party membership, but unfortunately they are the ones that bark cohesively and intensely,
and make it appear that it is the voice of all the people.

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Both the parties have thrived on fear mongering and both have failed miserably.

The Indians took the lead in showing to the world that hate politics has no place in their hearts, and they were not interested in divisiveness and simply wanted to get along and focus on Jobs, raising their families and having their kids go to school. The BJP’s focused on division rather than public good, and one of the underlying themes was their appeal to that tiny weenie minority of Hindus that they will build the Temple where Mosque was erased in Ayodhya, thank God, the general public did not want to buy that idea, as they did five years ago, and dropped the BJP again on May 16, 2009.

The Republican Party will continue to lose until they learn that extremism has no place in nation building. They are hanging on to the extremist elements and are giving room to hate mongers and their speeches. As long as they worship Sara Palin, Mitt Romney, Tancredo, McCain, Limbaugh and their likes, Democrats can rejoice and feel secure. American public is lot smarter than those guys.

The intention of the Republican Party in the U.S. and the BJP in India’s seem to focus on being opposed to some one; manufacturing enemies and legitimizing their own existence. Unless the moderates in both the parties express their voices and represent the parties’ interest, their chance for recovery is dim.

Mike Ghouse is a Dallas based Writer, Blogger, Speaker, Thinker and a Moderator. He is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television networks offering pluralistic perspectives on issues of the day. His comments, news analysis and op-ed columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal site