Ghaziabad : The Ghaziabad police Tuesday said they have busted a major auto lifting racket in this Uttar Pradesh district after arresting three members of the gang who were active in Delhi and the national capital region and were involved in stealing over 100 vehicles.
Ten motor cycles and three scooters were recovered from them.
Raju, Deepak and Jitendra alias Jitte – all belonging to Bulandshahr district of the state – were nabbed while their fourth accomplice Gaurav managed to escape, police said.
“The gang was active in the NCR,” Superintendent of Police (city) Rahul Yaduvendu said.
After lifting vehicles from the national capital and other adjoining areas, the arrested people used to sell them in rural pockets of Bulandshahr and other districts, he said.
“We are hunting their fourth accomplice. The gang is believed to have lifted over 100 vehicles,” Yaduvendu said.