British Muslim delegation to participate in World Islamic Economic Forum


London : For the sixth consecutive year, the Business and Economics Committee (BEC) of the Muslim Council of Britain will be drawing together a high-powered delegation of leading professionals, thought leaders and community representatives to the World Islamic Economic Forum (the WIEF) to be held next year in Malaysia, it was announced Tuesday.

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The WIEF is an annual conference that acts as an international business platform where the business sectors of the Muslim world meet.

With attendance from government leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and academics, the WIEF also acts as a forum where policy proposals on economic development can be formulated.

Around the main programme of the WIEF, the BEC has organised a series of workshops on Islamic finance and thought leadership with local institutions, to share delegation’s experiences and technical expertise. The BEC is also preparing a publication entitled “Nurturing the Future” that will feature the latest thinking in Islamic finance and thought leadership.

“The MCB organises the largest non-OIC delegation to the WIEF and we look forward to building on our successes at previous conferences with our delegation to Malaysia in 2010,” noted Sir Iqbal Sacranie, leader of the MCB delegation and member of the International Advisory Panel of the WIEF Foundation.

Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari, MCB Secretary General, stated “The MCB exists to serve the common good. Initiatives such as the delegation to the WIEF demonstrate how the wide array of talent in the British Muslim community can benefit all citizens by expanding business opportunities for the UK with Muslim majority countries.”

More than 1500 delegates are expected to attend the 6th edition of the forum